This tab provides the user with access to live risk information from the PIAB database, what you will be able to access will depend on your permissions and the type of licence you have.  For example as a View only licence user you will be able to see either All your risks (accumulated from all projects in the system - this is the default starting view), All your risks for the current project or all your risks for the current portfolio.  Users with higher licences will be able to see project or portfolio wide collections of risks.

This 'data range' is determined by the Risks picklist at the top left corner of the form.

What you actually see of the risks within that data range is determined by the view you are using and you will be able to pick from any views in the Global, Project or user ranges which are appropriate.  The view may apply filters, colours and data presented in the charts, lists and table.  Use the Load view button to apply changes.

The set of tick boxes at the top of the screen allows you to very the View settings to switch on and off the analysis types.  To view the full details on a selected risk simply click on the info link to the left of the data row.

This interface is purely for display to update content you will need to check the file out, update the content and check it back in for the content to be updated.

If you want to have additional preworked 'views' available to use from here simply use the Windows App (Team or Manager licensed users only) to prepare the view you want and save it.  If you don't have the ability then and Admin can save one for you.