PROJECT in a box clients and server require valid licenses before they can be used.

The Server must have a valid licence key for the system to operate.  The key can be of two types either Unlock (time limited) or Lock (only works on one specific computer but for an unlimited period).

Licences are entered and managed in a Licence form on the server and the form is opened automatically if your licence key is invalid for any reason.  If as a client user you try to log on to a server with an invalid licence your connection will be rejected and invalid licence will be the reason given.

As a client user you can see the type of Licence you are currently operating with by the name of the product in the window header or by looking at the about form (main Menu > Help > About).

Within the bounds of the number of licences allocated to the server, an Admin user with a Manager Licence themselves can allocate these to individual users with the Manage User Accounts form (accessed from Main Menu > Manage User Accounts).

The encryption for licences from version 2.7 has been updated. It is now more tolerant of changes to the system. It is also contains more secure encryption. 

For any further questions or assistance with installation contact us at