Your PROJECT in a box Server will not require significant support but there are a number of processes being undertaken and logs produced that you may want to review on occasions.

The Server creates a log of activity including logins, file views, check ins and outs and other actions which forms the basis for the user activity reporting.

As projects, stages, documents, folders and files are deleted from the system, the server database removes references to the files but the original documents are still held in the file store to support recovery if required later. The purge facility reviews the database and removes files which are no longer required from the file store to a separate location for storage.

The PROJECT in a box server tool also provides the ability to check on certain of the processes including indexing and to manage the database including back ups etc.  We strongly advise that a regular back up schedule is implementated to preserve your valuable project information in the event of any hardware failures.

Other tools provided for specific tasks are the Diagnosis tool and the Data tool