User Activity Report
The User Activity Report wizard is accessed from the Main Menu Reports option and can only be accessed by a user with Modify or Admin permission via a Manager licence. The wizard has a number of options for tailoring the user activity data provided in the report and these are arranged across two tabs as follows: 'General' tab - provides a tick box to allow the user to select the breadth of the report and the level of detail of the information supplied, as expanded on below. 'Date Filter' tab - this allows the user to decide if they want to include user activity for a defined date range or to produce for the entire life of the particular project. The report is activated by pressing the OK button at the bottom of the form at any time. When the report is complete it will be opened for viewing in a browser, the original version will have been saved in your reports folder and can be accessed and viewed at a later date from the Open Folder... Button at the bottom of the form. The tick box options in the General tab allow the user to run the user activity report for a different range of projects and users. A Modify user can run the report for this project and all users, but to run the report for all projects the user must have an admin permission. Then deciding on the level of detail on the user activities the user has four options:
When the report is produced it is follows a standard format as follows for each user in turn alphabetically:
Content in each of the areas is listed one item per row with the detail depending on the level requested typically this will list things like project and user administration in the server activity and views, check out/in and adding new files in the project activity. A Publish Report... button is provided at the bottom of the form and initially greyed out until the report production is complete and the output has been viewed, then it becomes a lit hyperlink. Clicking on this link opens the Publish Report form with the source file details of the report you have just produced populated. You can use this form to publish your report to the Enterprise hub for easy sharing with your colleagues. and wider team. |