This functionality is only available to a user with a Manager Licence and a Modify permission on the current project.  All reports can be obtained from the 'Reports' item in the Main Menu, although the Document report and Dashboard can also be activated from other locations.  The following report types are available:

Each report provides a different type, grouping or presentation of information depending on which project, portfolio or document is active and which parts of the reports have been activated. 

All reports are produced on the server with the content then sent to the users PC on completion where it picks up the styling for assembling the final report content and publishing.  

The report is produced in the format specified in your Reporting options and shown on the local client .  The produced file will also have been packaged and saved locally on the PC where it was produced, according to your report storage preferences.

The packaged and saved reports can then be distributed to colleagues or published to the Reports library in the Browser App or in the Windows App if required.  We also provide some basic guidance on customising your reports.

The Menu also provides access to other reporting resources including:

Publish Report - This form allows you to publish any file you want into the Report Library for this poject

Open Reports Folder - Open the local report location for the current project

View reports - This opens the programatic report Library for viewing previously published reports

Manage Reports Specifications - manage report specifications included deleting, this supports Report Specs, View Specs and Colour table Specs.