Once a report has been produced and you have viewed it to make sure you are happy with the content the system offers you a number of distribution options.  For all these you first need to get to the report creation folder which will be uniquely identified with the report title (and maybe with the Date/Time it was created depending on the user setting chosen).

It helps to have thought about the sort of distribution you want to do before you produce the report and having the report created with the most appropriate format selected in the settings.  If producing for a website then use HTML to Browser.  If producing for printing, to save or to circulate by email then choose MHTML to word (winword.exe) as this can then de saved as a full functionality navigable .doc file.

Publishing a report to the Browser App Report viewing area.

Use the Publish Report form (available from the Main Menu -> Reports menu).  Firstly select the report folder you want to publish into (these are documents named Reports or with a -[furthername] extension in the root of Specialist documents and can have different viewing permissions set to match the type of reports they hold).  Then browse to the file you wish to publish.  This can be any file you wish word, powerpoint, or a PIAB dashboard report.  If required you can then rename the file for presentation in PIAB and provide a description/comment.  On clicking the Publish button a copy of the file selected will be brought into the specified Reports folder and be made available for viewing via the normal Explorer or the Reports viewing capability in Browser App.

Publishing the report on a website

Copy the entire report folder to a web accessible location and then add a hyperlink to your web page pointing to the report title page in the transferred folder (Portfolio.html, Report.html, Doc.html etc..).

Printing the report

If saved as HTML then open the report folder and click on the report title page to open the report in a browser (Portfolio.html, Report.html or Doc.html).  You can preview or print the report using the browser controls (under the File menu in Internet Explorer).  If printing a Portfolio report you will need to print the project sub reports individually.  Please note that some browsers may not automatically print the background colours used in RAG reporting, in which case change your browser setting accordingly.  In Windows Explorer go to Tools - Internet Options - Advanced tab and select 'print background colours and images' to on.

If saved as MHTML this will be a single file, right click and open with Word you can then save as an actual .doc or can print the MHTML format report from within word.

Since version 4.2 Portfolio and Project reports can be produced directly to native word files where they can then be edited, saved or printed.  This only applies when a Word setting is selected on the report presentation options tab.

Sending a copy to a colleague

The best thing to use here is HTML and then save it as a PDF file which can then be saved/sent  as you would do with any word file.  Of course you could publish it to a reports folder for viewing in Browser App and then either send an email to advise on its location or have this done automatically be means of a notification/watch.