All reports are assembled and formatted according to a set of templates and styles managed from the server and updated to the client. 

Two primary outputs of reports are used HTML which is the most common format and Word is offered on Portfolio and project reports.

The HTML templates which are best for viewing on screen and into Dashboards are using html, xsl, css technology and cannot be easily changed by the average users which is why the custom spreadsheet content and report wizards (Control nad properties views) have been provided to give users a significant degree of control over what is included in each specific report they produce.

The look and feel of the reports can be changed though to ensure that every report produced has a new logo in it or a different colour scheme for example, elements in the reporting content can be excluded and order or arrangement altered by making changes to the report assembly and formating instructions.

Reporting into Word is easier to understandand and the report template contains a word template for each of the four possible work outputs:





These can be opened the formats and layouts within them saved and these changes will be reflected in future reports produced.

This help file is not intended to cover the process of customising such changes so contact PROJECT in a box support who will be happy to offer advice or provide a quote for modifying your reports.