The Document Report wizard is accessed from the Main Menu Reports option, the Document menu (document tree view & right click or main menu - Document when a Document is in focus) and from a number of the management forms including search results, file explorer and recently viewed files.  The report can be produced by any user with Modify permissions on the project and who is using a Manager Licence.

If produced when the user already has a document in context (i.e. from search, recently viewed files or on a file explorer) these is no wizard or date picker and the report runs immediately in a standard configuration and includes the sections listed below:

  • Document name
  • Document flags set - listed
  • Document locations - which projects and process locations is this specific document included in on this server (remember it may be shared between multiple projects)
  • Specific Document permissions - table presenting the project, user permissions group any custom permissions set (if any) for this specific document.  If this is blank then the default permissions model applies.
  • Watches which have been set and triggered for any user.
  • Then for each file:
    • Full file version history with versions, dates of changes, names of user changing and comments left. Set Baselines and will also be shown in Bold. If approval activities were undertaken then a full summary of vote results and comments stream will also be included.
    • File user activity data showing which users have viewed or checked out the file for the period specified

When producing the document report from the Reports menu a simple wizard is provided to let the user choose the document they want to report on and to filter the date range rather than looking at user activity data for the entire life of the project as is provided in the standard configuration described above.

The original version of the report will have been saved in your reports folder and can be accessed and viewed at a later date from the Open Folder... Button at the bottom of the Portfolio or Project Report forms.

A Publish Report... button is provided at the bottom of the form and initially greyed out until the report production is complete and the output has been viewed, then it becomes a lit hyperlink.  Clicking on this link opens the Publish Report form with the source file details of the report you have just produced populated.  You can use this form to publish your report to the Enterprise hub for easy sharing with your colleagues. and wider team.

The report is very useful for project audit or to discover how actively specific project documents are being viewed or changed and by whom.