The main menu is situated along the top of the main PROJECT in a box window and provides traditional hover/pull down menus giving access to all the functionality your permissions allow. In all cases the functions are activated by clicking on them.

Please note that if you are using a Team licence some of these items will not be present).

File provides access to the

  • Logout
  • Select Project
  • Home - returns you to your home navigation diagram
  • Dashboard
  • My Files
  • Open Checkout Folder - opens the checkout folder
  • Open Reports Folder - opend the report folder
  • Open Mail Folder - opens the mail folder
  • Special Folders
  • Start Browser App
  • Update Client Support files - updates the reporting styles and other local resources from the server
  • Exit

Portfolio provides access to the following when the user has Portfolio permissions and a Portfolio selected:

Project provides access to the following depending on licence type and permissions on the current project:

Process provides the menu navigation from the method template of the current project

File Explorer Opens the file explorer with the current process documentation for the current project (only when a processes has already been selected)

Search provides access to the functionality for finding content including Keyword search and Flag search.

Reports (not present when accessing via a Team Licence) provides access to the reports available which will vary depending on permissions.

Project Controls provides access to the project controls of risk, issue, tasks and resources in appropriate groupings depending on the licence held, the permissions on the current project and whether a portfolio is selected.

Trend Analysis provides access to the forms for analysising property history at either project or Portfolio levels.

Admin provides access to a range of functions some of which are available when accessing via a Team Licence and some of which are not, some of these may also be switched on and off depending on your permissions on the current project:

Window - The traditional Windows controls enabling you to bring to the top one of many open windows.

Help - provides the link to fire up this help tool and any other PROJECT in a box help files installed on the local PC.   Finally the about form providing version numbers etc for support purposes as well as the customer ID for your licence account.