Integral to PROJECT in a box is the navigation of the process diagrams using point and click.

Each project or programme has an associated method template which will provide one or more diagrams which can be used as a basis for navigating the processes and the functionality available to the project and the user.  Which diagram is displayed to the user can be determined by context rules set in the method tempalte so a Project Manager sees if required a more complex process and greater feature set and a simpler set is shown to a normal team member.

If you or your organisation have introduced additional project types to the system then the diagrams associated with those custom methods will be visible instead.

When a process window opens it has just a diagram on it. Users can have any number of process windows open at any time or may be using the option to just show one and replace the current one each time a new one is launched.

New in v5.4 the navigation diagrams can be usd to display live content specific for that project such as status information or important text.

You navigate the process from the diagram using point and click, a click can have one of four results depending on how the Method Template is defined:

  1. Navigation Diagram - If a click goes to a navigation diagram then the window for this will be launched, if the window is already open that window will be brought back into focus/to the top. If using the single process diagram option the new diagram will seemlesly replace the previous one to save screen space. 
  2. File Explorer - If the navigation click from the current window goes to sub process then the File Explorer form for that sub process will be opened.
  3. Shortcut - If the navigation click is associated with a shortcut (windows or Internet) then that link will be followed and the folder/application/web page launched as appropriate.
  4. Application Feature - opening one of the forms/windows of the application either with the current project, user or portfolio content in focus.  If he user doesn't have the rights to see the content a message window will inform them of that.

For convenience of use the navigation diagram windows can be scaled (drag a corner) into small tiles and placed next to the File Explorer form for frequently used processes to save changing the order of forms on the screen.

Your client will remember your last choice and arrangement (size and location) of process diagrams for each project so when you reload they return as you left them.  If you close all diagrams before moving away from the project you will be provided with the main process diagram when you restart.