You can view and manage your main File storage locations (Temp, Checkout and Report) from the Client Options form, Paths tab. The Email return folder is managed from the Email tab in the same form.

In the Paths Tab you can set the Temp folder where files brought local for viewing and to extract data for reporting (essentially uncontrolled copies of the logs and any user specified spreadsheets will be placed.  This is a local global location and will be used for files from all projects.  The default location for this is your Windows temp folder so that these 'throw away' files will be disposed of with other unimportant files when you periodically tidy your computer.  Also on your General Tab is the option to clear your temp folder.

You can also specify the Check in/out folder which is used for controlled copies of files you check out from the server to make changes to.  The default here is to place these in your my documents folder in the following path....  /my documents/piab/projectname/filename. this means that the system automatically creates a different check in/out folder for each project you work on.  This further reduces the possibility of accidentally checking files from one project back in to another.

If you want you can either set up a different location for check in/out for each project using the browse feature in this form.  These are on a project basis meaning if you set this for project A, project B will continue to use the default setting unless you set that as well.  You can use this to browse to any location to which you have access.

You can also move your entire Check in/out folder structure to another location (such as a backed up network drive) by using the 'change default path option in the form and browsing to the new location.

You can always access your check out folder for a particular project from the link provided on the File Explorer form Document Pane.

Report folders work in exactly the same way as Check in/out folders and can be changed globally and/or for each project if required.

The Email folder behaves slightly differently to the three described above and is a shared folder operating across all projects.  This folder is the automatic destination for PIAB type files and .info meta data files stripped from Outlook messages by the PROJECT in a box tool bar in Outlook.  This is the first step to auto checking back in files returned by email.  The email folder is then reviewed by the PROJECT in a box client when the 'Check-in from Email' option is selected under Main Menu > File.

For ease of support we recommend you leave these path defaults unchanged unless you have good reasons (such as corporate policies) for changing them.