My Files form is available from the Quick clicks menu and provides you with a centralised place for managing files checked out to you on the project.

At the top of the form is a projects pick list so you can change the focus of the form to any other project you have permissions for. The form can also be switched to one of three other tabs as follows:

From Email for managing checked out files returned by email

For Approval requests for approval which you have been invited to vote or contribute too.

My Approvals the Approval requests which you have created and need to manage

The default Local files tab displays a list of all the files which the system has recorded as checked out to you and indicates whether files with the correct names are available in your checkin folder (status OK) or not (Status Not in folder).  It also provides information on the versions and dates o f checkout to help you manage your files better.

If you have unexpected files in your checkin folder these will also be displayed in the list with a (Status Extra file) to help you see things which may have been renamed or are being prepared for addition etc.

Tick to select a file and the options at the bottom of the page will offer you the appropriate actions for your file depending on what it is View, Checkin or Undo Checkout.