Diagnosis Tool
The Diagnosis tool is a separate application which records the users local set up relating to PROJECT in a box, their user settings and which versions of components they are using to help the support team in the event of an issue being reported. The Diagnosis tool is a files only tool which requires the .NET framework to already be present this means that users don't need local admin permissions to install it, hey just download it and put the executable file in the local PROJECT in a box Professional Edition/bin folder. The Diagnostics tool contains basic instructions when it is first opened but is straightforward to use. Simply select File >Run Diagnostics and the message window will start to fill with diagnostic messages. Once this is complete please return the results by email to Project in a box support. This can be done with cut and paste or using one o the File > Send...... routes provided. If you require assistance with the Diagnostics tool the first step is to read the Technical Guide, then contact support@projectinabox.org.uk |