The following table provides an overview of the new features in version 5.3


Functionality changes

Data display on diagrams

Project property data can now be displayed on the navigation diagrams, effectively making the diagram for each project different and alive with realtime information.  This can include text and colours based on property content.

System Project Properties forms

Project properties can now be updated in the windows app in a dedicated form.  The form is also supporting of filter by view so you just see the properties needed to update not all of them.  This brings the functionality into line with that offered in the browser.

Process Properties

Process properties can now be specified for each process step in the method and collected using forms in the windows app and browser.  for example status or commentary.  These are then automatically included in the project property set.

Focussed navigation links

Many more functional links now accept arguments, so when you click on the link int he navigation diagram not only will it take you to that function but with the chosen ranges and views.  This applies to reports, system project property entry, plan risk issue and resource displays, trend displays.

piabX file improvements

piabx file capabilities have been extensively improved as follows:

- new data field types, hyperlink and image

- table editing to add, delete and reorder rows

- password so piabx templates can be locked or editable (this applies to the section level)

- editable files can be broadly extended and personalised in either the piabX viewer or the browser

- piabX viewer includes all the set up capabilities of the piabx designer including setting and removing password locks

- Presentation formats which can be set on relevant fields like date, real etc.

- piabx Designer is now withdrawn.

Request password reset

Optional setting to allow users to choose to reset their own password when they lock out.  Uses a verifciation link sent via the users registered email address.

New methods and report

New set of nStep methods coded for the new features above these can be applied retrospectivley to projects created originally with 2018 nstep methods so you can take advantage of the new features immediately.  Also some new reports to match.

Useful Links

New in 3.0
New in 3.1
New in 3.2
New in 3.3
New in 3.4

New in 4.0

New in 4.1

New in 4.2

New in 4.3

New in 4.4

New in 5.0

New in 5.1

New in 5.2

New in 5.3