Sometimes users will want to delete files or documents from their projects, this can only be undertaken by a user with Modify permissions on the project and document in question.  A number of functions are provided to support this and all can be found on the File Explorer and when the file explorer is open they will be available from the main menu or via right click on the file or document.

Deleting in PROJECT in a box is a two step process, firstly content is recycled which sees it placed in a recycle bin for the project and it is effectively removed from users idea of the project as the recycle bin is only accessible for Modify users.

Individual files can be recycled by clicking on them in the tree view and then, either:

  • Right clicking and selecting 'recycle file', or
  • Selecting the 'recycle file' option from the file option in the main menu or
  • Using the recycle button in Document Pane (advanced)

This will place the file in the recycle bin.  Once in the recycle bin it can be restored to the project documentation if it was recycled in error with its audit trail in tact or it can then be permanently deleted by the Modify user (right click on the file in the tree and select delete file).

You will be prompted with a box saying 'are you sure?' confirming yes will then remove the file and all its history and versions from the system and it cannot then be restored with audit trail.  Files can only be removed by users with a 'modify' permission on the document which contains the file.

If a file is deleted by accident please contact your system administrator as soon as possible giving as much information as you can about which file you deleted, when you deleted it etc to enable them to recover the file version(s) for you.

If a file is recycled but not yet deleted it can b restored to the project proper by a modify user, find the recycle bin (in specialist) and then the file, right click on it and use move file to select the active document you want to place it in.