The fifth tab on the Client Options form, the File names tab allows you to set up the naming conventions to be used on the files provided to you from the server.

By simply selecting or deselecting the tick boxes users can alter the elements included in their file name from:

  • File ID (the unique database ID for the file)
  • Project Code
  • Project Name
  • Stage Name (if appropriate)
  • Document Name
  • Version Number (including server set format e.g. 1.3.a)
  • Version Count (basic sequential system count of versions)

In addition users can include a "View" element and/or set the file to read-only when viewing a file as opposed to checking it out.

Unless you have good reason for altering this we recommend users leave the default settings in place which are use all except Document, as this will help prevent confusion between standard files from different projects or stages within the same project.

You may also find that you cannot change the settings on the File names tab, if this is the case then they have been set at the project level to ensure that all users use the same structure.

A tick box is also provided which controls whether the Version Count is displayed in the File explorer.