PROJECT in a box has supported a sophisticated version numbering system which allows a format to be defined for each project which will then apply to all files managed within that project.

The numbering convention may consist of numbers, letters (upper and lower case) and roman numerals (upper and lower case) and may be a single level or up to ten levels.  When set on the Project the format and starting points for each level are defined.

When users check a file back in they get to choose which level to increment and then that level will be changed with lover levels reset to their starting point.  In the background the system still keeps a Version Count which is a simple numerical count starting at 1  which tells the user how many versions of a file there have been and can be displayed or used in naming conventions as well as the version number if required.

Note: It is possible to change the version numbering settings mid way through the life of a particular project, if an additional level is added then just the last ".number" will be added to each of the previous versions.  Should a level be removed the last level will be removed from all versions which would trim a previous order of 1.3.b , 1.3.c , 1.3.d, 1.4.a down to 1.3 , 1.3 , 1.3 , 1.4 .  It is here that having the Version Count to fall back on would be helpful.