The Client Authentication management area can be found on the fourth tab of the User Options form, titled 'Connection'.

The Client Authentication to the webserver controls how the user connects and what information they are required to provide to verify their identity.

Options available include

  • Anonymous
  • Basic Access
  • Integrated Windows Access
    • Use current  Widows Credentials or specify a user
    • Use IIS authentication to login to PIAB server.

The method you select will depend upon how you network infrastructure is configured.

When using Integrated Windows Access the log in form is automatically populated with the user account you used to log on to windows.  Behind the scenes the user's windows account from Active Directory is matched to a PROJECT in a box account and the user is then logged in accordingly.

The Anonymous access mode requires the user to complete the Log in form with username and password.

If in doubt ask your administrator what type of Authentication you should be using, this should match that which is set up on IIS on your web server.

It is also possible to configure SSL  revocation settings, again if in doubt consult your system administrator.