PROJECT in a box requires a 'server' to be installed and licensed as the first step to operation.  The server comes with a client deployment web page which is located within your Enterprise Hub and served by the server and can be located at (http://servername/piabws/resources.aspx).  

From this page users can download and install the PROJECT in a box client in one of three modes:

  1. Run-once Client - this unpacks into the local my documents area and once you have finished with it and close the application it will wipe itself clean from the host PC.
  2. Install and run Client - this unpacks and permanently installs itself in the Program Files area of the host PC and will continue to be there after the PC restarts.
  3. Portable Client - this is designed for install onto a USB stick or other portable memory device and sets up all folder directories to work to the same device.  With this you can move your client and all your working files simply from PC to PC.

The PROJECT in a box client requires the host PC to have the .NET framework version 2.0 or newer already installed (this is the norm for routinely patched MS XP PCs).  With this prerequisite the client is effectively a files only application so it doesn't require local admin rights from an IT department to install it and which allows the breadth of deployment opportunities presented above.

PROJECT in a box is licensed from the server which contains an encrypted key providing details of the number of Manager, Team and View Only licences the server will allow to be set up.  Using the Manage Accounts form an Admin user (with a Manager licence themselves) can allocate the different licence types to each user in the system.  Within the bounds set on the licence key these can be changed as often as the users want enabling manager licences to be swapped between users.

When a user logs into their client the server reports to the client the licence type associated with the user and the client then presents the functionality as appropriate.  These changes to the licence and deployment models in PROJECT in a box put the power back in the hands of the system administrators and reduce the involvement of the PROJECT in a box support team in licensing changes.

For any further questions or assistance with installation contact us at