Sometimes users will want to remove or delete a document and all its associated files either from a single process or the entire project, assuming the user has sufficient Permissions (modify required on the document) this can be done relatively easily.

Individual documents and its collection of associated files, can be removed from a process by clicking on the document icon in the tree view and then, either:

  • Right clicking and selecting 'remove document from process'.
  • Selecting the 'remove document from process' option from the document option in the main menu.

Following either of these actions you will be prompted with a box saying 'are you sure?' confirming yes will then remove the document from this process but it will still be visible in other processes where it should be shown and in the Index.  If this was the last instance of the Document in the project you will be warned that this is the case and that you must use the 'delete document from project' option instead as discussed below.

Individual documents and its collection of associated files, can be deleted entirely from the project and this is a two stage process.  The first stage is to recycle the Document so it is no longer active in the project.  This is achieved by right clicking on the document and selecting Recycle Document.  Recycled documents and all their files and audit trail will be placed in the recycle bin in Specialist and not be accessible to any users except Admin.  They will not be included in search results etc.

If required the document can then be permanently deleted by clicking on the document icon in the recycle bin and then, either:

  • Right clicking and selecting 'delete document from project'.
  • Selecting the 'delete document from project' option from the document option in the main menu.

Following either of these actions you will be prompted with a box saying 'are you sure?' confirming yes will then delete the document and all its associated files and versions from the project and from other processes where they were being shown.

Note: If this is a shared document (i.e. shared with other projects) this action will delete it from all projects it has been used in, in this instance use the Remove document from process to remove it from a shared project.