When the file explorer opens to show the documents that are relevant to a particular sub-process by default these are shown in alphabetic order or an order set by the Method Template.  However on occasions users may want to alter the display order to give a higher or lower priority to some documents and this is how it is achieved.

The user must have a modify permission on the project in question and be operating within the file explorer with the index feature deselected.

Right click on the document icon of the document you want to change the order on and then select the preferred choice from the list:

  • Move to top
  • Move to bottom
  • Move up
  • Move Down

These steps should be repeated on the combination of documents until the desired order has been achieved.  This does not alter display order in other sub-processes.

Right clicking on the process title in the tree gives an additional option of 'Reset Document Order'  this will turn the order on the current process back to alphabetic.