The Manage Project Permissions by user for allows an Admin user or with those delegated permissions to view and set which permissions group a particular user is in on every project on the server.  The form is accessed from the Main Menu -> Admin.

Firstly the user of interest has to be selected using the pick list on the left, or by searching if there are many users available on the server.

The Project Permissions pane of the form will then show a list of projects and the permissions that user has on them.  By default this will be all the projects for the current portfolio, if required this can be extended to show all projects using the tick list at the top left of the form. This is shown in Grid view with ticks indicating the permissions group the user belongs to for each project.

There are several ways to change a user's permissions group for a project, firstly you can simply use the cursor and a left click to activate a tick box and then tick it.  Alternatively you can select a project  with a click on its name and then use the Standard groups pick list to select the required group and the 'Apply to Project ' button to apply to that project.  If large scale changes are being made for a user (perhaps a promotion or change of role) then the Standard Groups pick list and the 'Apply to All' button can move the permissions group for all projects and then minor alterations made in the matrix with click/tick changes.

Some user may have a custom permissions group for particular projects,  frequently this is the case for customers, contractors etc.  If the user is in a custom permissions group the name of this group will show in the custom column and there will be no ticks in the row.  New Custom groups can be created from the User Groups button in the User Groups form or existing custom groups can be selected and applied from the pick list.

The User report button top left allows you to generate a user report for this (or multiple users) direct from here.

Changes for the user must be saved before moving to the next user.