If you are using Planner to collect your task and plan information then Plan Assignment will be able to give you the data for the allocated hours of users on those tasks both demand and actual. You require Modify rights on the Project and a Manager licence to access this capabilityat the project level.  If you have portfolio permissions you can see the data for all projects within the portfolio that you have permissions on.

The form is accessed from the Project Controls menu and opens as shown below showing you each assignment as a row (an Assignment is a resource on a task, so if you had three people allocated to a task that would generate three different assignments).  You will always see the latest data held by Project Controls based on when the planner files were last checked in.  switch between Project and Portfolio using the pick list.

You are always shown all the data columns in this display (although note you can drag dividers to hide unwanted ones) and the idea is to do your further analysis in a spreadsheet so you can use one of the copy options (CSV or XML) to grab the data from here.  Options allows you to set date and currency type formats.