Finding documents and files is a straightforward exercise with PROJECT in a box. You can use the normal File Explorer if you know which process your required management documents appear in. Specialist documents are shown in every process, making these even easier to find.

If you are looking for a document, file or correspondence with particular content or key words you can use the powerful keyword search tool to find them.

If you are looking for a document with particular flags set you can use the flag search to find them.

Behind the scenes the keyword search tool can be configured to use one of three methods

  1. Simple Search Interface. From version 2.8 The 'Simple' search interface is the built-in search mechanism in PIAB. It uses an internal SQL search and does not rely on external Windows service. 
  2. Windows Search.  Windows Search is available on Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008. It replaces the 'Windows Indexing Service' on Windows XP and Server 2003. This topic describes how to configure Windows Search to work with PIAB. 
  3. Windows Indexing Service. Please refer to indexing service link

If in doubt which one is best suite to your needs please contact