Selecting the advanced option in the file explorer details pane brings up options for document administration for the selected document, contents will vary depending on your permissions on the selected document.

Add File brings up the form for browsing to files to include, or an item from the template library or hyperlinks.

Add (drag and drop) this brings up a new Add multiple files page and is covered in a separate page, this also supports replace rather than add.

Add New document Here creates a totally New document shown as "New Document (0)" in the current process (Available from the Process Details pane).

Rename Document  allows its name to be changed (particularly useful on a new document).

Add Existing Document Here opens the Select Document pop up window (as shown below), this allows you to click on the document you want from the current complete set for this project and to add it to this current process.  Note you cannot add the same document twice to a process.  By changing the Project pick list at the top of the pop up window you can choose other projects you have Modify rights on and instead choose a document from one of these.  That would 'live share' the document between the two projects and show a Blue S document icon rather than the normal Red Document icon.(Available from the Process Details pane).

Remove Document from Here will remove the chosen Document from the current process but leave it in any other process where it is used.  If you try to use this 'remove' feature when this is the only process that the document occurs in, it will not be permitted and you will be advised that you instead need to use the Recycle Document option.(Available from the Process Details pane).

Recycle Document takes the current document and moves it to the recycle bin (located in Specialist Products).  This will remove it from view to normal project users from all processes in the project, it woun't be displayed any further. If you just want to remove the document from the current process you should instead use the Remove Document from Here option.(Available from the Process Details pane).

Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down and Move to Bottom.  These options change the order of the documents in the process.  The Reset Document Order option will change the display order of Documents to alphabetic.

Notification this opens the Document Notification form for the current Document.