Manage User Accounts
Once an organisation has set up and licensed it's server, managing user licences to control access to the software is in the hands of users with admin accounts. Admin users who themselves have a Manager Licence can grant access to the system for other users using the Manage User Accounts form which is accessed from the Admin menu. The form lists all users who exist on the server in a list (contact only), each user can be clicked on in turn and then by pressing one of the buttons at the bottom a licence type can be allocated. Separate lists exist for each of the user types on the server licence showing which users have each licence type allocated. Above each list box it shows the maximum number of licences permitted and the number used and clicking on a user in any list allows you to move them to any other list. The Contact only users cannot access the system through any of the interfaces but exist and can be included as project team members for use in the mail circulation system. If users need to purchase additional licences for their server they can do this by contacting Project in a box using the following email address (please have your customerID to hand): |