Whilst the scope of data you select in your analysis window defines the outer extent of the results you can analyse the view controls how you see that data and potentially narrows it further to filter or restrict the data.

Although the contents and coverage of what the view controls is different in each analysis type (risk, issue, task and resource) all of them support the concept of a view, they are selected, applied, edited saved and managed in the same way.

Your project control analysis form will remember the view you used last timeyou opened the form and this current view is always displayed below the scope of data as show here with the current view of Overdue tasks:

To change the view to choose one of the available existing views click Select a View and pick from the list.  The list will show the appropriate view available, so a Risk form will only show saved risk views and some will be clasified as:

  • Global (available for use by anyone on any project, portfolio etc)
  • Project (available for just the current project)
  • User (only available to you the current user)

selecting a new view will see its instuctions followed in the display.

Rather than selecting a new view you can take the current view and alter or personalise it.  This will be remembered until you choose a new view and if you want you can save it as Global,Project or User for reuse later on (depending on your permissions levels).

The selected view can have a very significant impact on what you see in the analysis window, here are some of the major things the view controls:

  • Filters - rules which can exclude or include tasks depending on a rule or set of rules acting on the tasks properties.
  • Date display range - specified date ranges for the data when using gantt and resource charts.
  • Colours - in the task display and colours on certain analysis charts like risk matrixes.
  • Data columns - which columns of data are included or excluded and in what order for both main data sets and also risk and issue responses
  • Display type and size - which of the display types to include which charts or graphic parts which data lists, whether to show responses etc.
  • Ordering - eg order by particular columns

For further details about what is included in each view see the editing a view section.