In version 2.0 and beyond, top level administration such as adding/deleting users, projects, programmes etc been restricted to the admin type accounts but the next layer down of managing users on projects and reporting on their activities has been rolled down to users who have Modify permission on a particular project.

This means that now an Admin user can set up the server, add projects and new users and then hand over to the Modify user (usually the project or programme manager) who can administrate their own project through to completion.

Users can do the following on projects for which they have a modify permission:


With Manager licence

With Team licence

Manage project level access - using the manage groups form they can give or remove permissions groups to/from existing users and can create custom permissions group for their project.



Manage document level access - using the Document permissions form customise the document level permissions by permissions group.



Set up reporting - using the Project Summay Information form



Monitor progress - set watches on document check ins


Stage Management - add, rename or remove stages and change their order of presentation


Customise the content on the project - add and remove documents and files, set all document flags.


Report on progress - Run the Document, Project Document Status Report, What's Changed report and User Activity report for all users on their project
