This item provides a basic introduction to the PROJECT in a box permissions model.
Six Permissions types are used in the system and these are:
- No Access - the user is not even shown the project in their projects list and cannot access any information or files relating to it.
- Read - the user will be able to open the project and view any file, log or project status information but will not be able to change any file based content. These users can join in with collaboration threads.
- Read/Write - the user can sign in and out files, add new files and folders but cannot delete, move or rename any files or documents.
- Modify - user can do everything except add new projects or add new users. These users can also produce Project reports (if accessing with a Manager licence). User can also create, remove or reorder stages and grant or decline user permissions on the project or individual documents within it. These are essentially 'admin' features for this project. Modify permissions should only be given to the Project Manager or perhaps a Team Manager.
- Admin - this permission is a separate setting which gives permission to add new projects, add new users and edit user permissions as well as undertake other administrative actions. This applies to the entire server and all the projects contained on it
- Portfolio - this permission is a separate setting which gives the user permission to operate the portfolio view and undertake other portfolio activities.
Additionally users who do not have the 'Admin' flag set can have certain Admin permissions delegated to them so long as they jave a Manager licence. For further info see Custom Admin Permissions.
Every user has one of the first four permissions types for each individual project and can optionally have the admin and/or Portfolio permissions at a server level as well. By giving the user a certain permission on a project it applies to all the files and documents within that project equally. However the PM can edit this to grant higher or lower permissions on each particular document or across a number of documents within the project to custom fit the access and permissions to a user role and responsibilities. Sometimes this may involve creating custom permissions groups to refine the access between a number of users who were originally sharing a permissions group.
Since version 3.4 it has been possible to display differnet navigation content to users at differnet permisisons levels.
If required further detail is available on the permissions model.