In addition to the rights a user has in the system because of the Permissions level granted to them for a particular project, they may also have been flagged as having Admin rights.

These Admin rights allow the user to set up and manage server wide aspects of the system.  The Admin flag grants a full set of administrator capabilities or if the user has a Manager licence they can be granted a subset of the administrator capabilities using the custom admin permissions form.

Only users with admin permissions can create new projects, rename, delete projects or export them.

Only Admin users can create new users, reset passwords or delete users.

In addition users with an admin account can (along with modify users on a specific project) set user permissions.

Only users with an admin account can access the server log and produce certain configurations of User activity or What's changed? reports.

Only an admin account can grant admin or portfolio rights to other users. The system comes populated with one user account (user name 'admin' password 'admin') this could be considered a super Admin account as it cannot be flagged as deleted, nor have its admin permissions removed, it will also automatically have modify rights on every project created.  It is recommended that the user setting up the system changes the password for the admin account during their first session in the system.

An admin account is set by picking the required user from the pick list on the Manage Users form, then ensuring the 'admin' tick box next to the name is ticked and then clicking the 'apply' button in the permissions section of the form.